A BIG thank you to all who helped.
The night before Halloween, we had torrential rains in Austin. Most of you know that, but Onion Creek was one area that took a lot of water. Many homes and cars were lost. Most on my street. It’s been one heckuva week with flood clean up and trying to salvage my belongings.
Luckily, we had some help. I just have to say this, HEB totally rocks!
While the rest of Austin moved on with their lives, we had volunteers from HEB stores all over the surrounding area. Even driving in from Elgin.
Here are few photos.
It was tragic, for sure. But luckily, these friendly folks from HEB pitched in and helped us with clean up all weekend long!
It was amazing what we couldn’t salvage. Look at all that stuff!
Cameron and his friends hamming it up for the photo. These guys just LOVED breaking down the damaged fences. They all worked with out complaint from morning till early evening. And the best part? They did it with a smile.
Luckily we managed to save the estate sale signs. Phew!!
They even cleaned out the fridge in my garage. Yep, like a true Texan, I had a garage fridge.
HEB also supplied these clean up tote bags to me and all my neighbors. They contained bleach, gloves, paper towels, bug spray, tooth brushes and more! These kits were invaluable.
Needless to say, I am very grateful to HEB for sending out these supplies, the breakfast tacos, bottled water AND OF COURSE the helpful volunteers to clean up after the flood. It’s great to know that we have good neighboring businesses.