A few years ago I fell in love with Italy and since have made yearly trips to visit. With its wineries, rustic charm, and friendly folks, I just can’t get enough. Next week, I’ll be heading to Italy for a brief summer vacation.
I’ve been studying Italian and although I’m still not fluent, the language barrier gets a little easier every time.
When I first visited Italy, I went on a tour, enjoying it quite immensely with a friendly guide. On my last visit, it hit me! I could be that friendly guide! And while I’m not giving up my day job by any means, I went ahead and set up a tour for this visit. I’ll be taking some friends along on tour.
You can follow along my travel adventures for most of June here on my other website Deb In Italy.
Have no fear, I’ll be back (this time) for more estate sale fun in July! We’ll be hosting our next sale in Onion Creek with a to-die-for cook’s kitchen.
Ciao for now!