Giving Upcycled Gifts

Now more than ever, it seems that many people are giving upcycled gifts as presents. Rather than spending money on new items, adding to the overproduction of poorly made goods, many of my customers shop for gifts year-round at estate sales.

Now that the holidays are over and you can focus on next year’s gift giving, consider planning ahead and looking for gifts while shopping at estate sales.

Some of the reasons behind shopping at estate sales (or thrift shops, etc.) for Christmas and birthday gifts are:

  • Less expensive, saves money
  • Better quality
  • Unique items
  • Finding treasures that have sentimentality

Shoppers look for items that their gift recipients know they have bought used and appreciate the items. I’m not suggesting that one buys used items that could be purchased new. But items that have value above and beyond the price tag are often bought at my sales. Things like, artwork, vintage knick knacks, furniture, classic kitchenware, vintage toys, designer decor, handmade items, vintage crafting items, collectibles, and so much more.

Give classic toys for Christmas.

Imagine if, instead of buying cheap plastic toys for the kids in your life, you bought them a vintage toy from your childhood, perhaps something that isn’t even made anymore?


Or, if you have a relative who collects vinyl, or trading cards, or vintage crafting supplies, imagine the looks on their faces when you present them with an item they’ve been searching for?

Give vintage vinyl for holidays and birthdays.

More then likely, this isn’t something that can be accomplished with one stop at one estate sale. Most of my returning customers come to all or most of my sales knowing that with each venture into a new estate, they could just find that treasure they’ve been looking for.

Ok maybe it’s not as convenient as shopping at a big box store, but dang, it sure is a lot more fun!

It may be too late for this year. But just imagine how much fun you could have shopping throughout the year, spending less and buying items that you know your family will love!

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